Monday 1 March 2010

Closing Ceremony


Unlike the opening ceremony where I saw the reharsal a few days ahead of the actual show, for the closing ceremony I had event tickets. I thought this would be the ultimate moment of the Games. I went in with the hopes of being surprised, but nothing did. I was happy that we were able to laugh at ourselves about the torch miscue, but honnestly we should not accept anything but perfection for a canadian display of talent. Back to the finally, the Games were awesome the closing ceremony was ok.. I just wish we were able to see an extraordinary display of Canadian talent though.. We have to learn to be perfect, especially when the world is watching.

The show was good though...

Concerning the hockey game, I am really happy that we won. But lets not forget that we compete and did very well in other sports....


Sunday 28 February 2010

X-Country Marathon (50 km)

Today was the best event of the Olympic Games.

X-country is to me the most challenging event at the Olympic Games. I am as you must have guest a cross-country skier. But really, I think it is the best event because not everone can do this event. Most people actually would not be able to complete this event. To me that is what makes it so prestigous. It takes true fitness to be able to complete such a distance and such a sport. The Canadians performed very well but they could've done better. We were at mid-race 3 and 4 and we finished 5 and 17... Oh well, the winning countries are some of the countries that I am looking to move to (Norway, Sweden, Germany)... All countries that support ultimate fitness performances...

I dare you to go x-country soon!

Tomorrow my experience at the Closing Ceremony and a little section on the gold medal hockey game

Un peu de Tremblant a Vancouver

Aujourd'hui nous avons vu un fier canadien bien réussir, très bien réussir. Son nom: Jasey-Jay Anderson, ce jeune homme qui compétitionne sur la scene internationale depuis plusieurs années ne cesse d'impressionné. Il competitionne un sport très monotone et qui n'avance pas vraiment à cause de sa nature. Je m'explique, les snowboarders sont relaxe maintenant, l'idée de faire du carving (le sport que Jasey fait). Ce sport n'est plus vraiment pratiqué dans notre région. Je me demande si ce sport est toujours pratiqué en Europe. En tout cas, Jasey est un bel exemple canadien, il est bilingue, père de famille et surtout très approchable.

Quelle récolte de médaille d'Or avons nous fait a ces jeux! Il reste a voir si le hockey masculin va remporter le médaille d'or...

Saturday 27 February 2010

The Vancouver Surprise

Hello all,
Today's blog will talk about my Olympic experience in Vancouver (not about sport).

I am amazed by Canadians attitude a these Games. I am personnally a proud Canadian but I feel that there is a 'Leafs' attitude around here. What I mean by a Leafs attitude is this arrongance. After winning the Men's Hockey game versus the Slovaks, people in the Vancouver street were chanting USA SUCKS... This sword of attitude, in my opinion, is not representative of being a Canadian. It is awesome to cheer for your country and to hope, but instead of being cut throat about, it we should congratulate extraordinary human performance no matter the sport...

Again on this atittude that is present in Vancouver, people seem to take the Games as a drinking feast. Every single event that we went to people in front and behind us in the stands were drunk. When we get back from event people in the street are drunk. When we exit the HBC superstore (my volunteer experience), people are drunk. People start drinking really early and do not know when to stop. Some of you will say well what the hell drinking is part of sport, I don't disagree. But I do think that 'drunkeness' ruins the Olympic spirit. In my opinion if you want to get drunk watching these events you should stay home. Why pay 100 of dollars to watch live events when you can't enjoy the event or even remember it...

What I'm describing here, is that Canadian?

Victory Ceremony

A little late on this one...

I was able to sleep in this morning so I enjoyed my first break....

Last night I went to my first Victory Ceremony at BC Place. These ceremonies are quite interesting but become boring fairly quickly. The previous day's winners are celebrated. The come on stage.. and then the protocol stuff starts...

I'm happy I saw it once but I wouldn't want to see it twice...

Very exciting tonight was the victory of our women, who just won GOLD. FÉLICITATION LES FILLES!

Thursday 25 February 2010

Qu'est-il arrive a la Suede

J'aimerais debute ce blogue en m'excusant pour le manque d'accent, l'ordinateur que j'utilise presentement n'a pas l'option de changer le clavier...

Hier soir nous sommes aller voir le match de la Finland contre la Republique Czech. Un bon match, mais, il n'a pas eu beaucoup de but... La Finland a remporter le match par un score de 2-0.

Durant cette rencontre, j'ai reflechi sur les joueurs que nous avons perdu (a Ottawa). Le soir d'avant j'ai vu Marian Hossa en action et ce soir j'ai vu Martin Havlat. Je crois que ces joueurs avaient encore beaucoup a offrir a notre equipe. La preuve est que c'est joueur rendent encore en 2010 leur equipe de la LNH meilleur qu'elle le sont vraiment.

Une surprise c'est produite hier soir, la Suede a perdu le match contre la Slovakie. Ce verdict devrait donc ouvrir la porte a une medaille d'or pour le Canada au hockey masculin...
Today do not forget to watch TV. You will see Joanie Rochette, win a medal. You will also so our Canadian women's team win gold versus USA.

As you all know Joanie lost her mother during these games. She dies of a Heart Attack. Her courage, perseverence, will, and concentration is remarkable. For that reason she should be the flag bearer for the closing ceremony...

Bon courage Joanie, nous sommes avec toi!

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Norway vs Slovakia

Last night was a SICK game....

Andree and I left COH really early to attempt to buy tickets for the Canada/Germany Game. We visited the box office without any success and then attempted to buy tickets from scalpers. Scalpers or what you could also call them scammers. One of them wanted to sell us the best seating ticket ever (apprently) for 650$ per ticket. YEAH RIGHT!

We decided to go watch the game in a bar. This was a wise decision because the game was a blowout!

LAter that evening we had tockets for the Norway/Slovakia match, what a game. Going into it I thought that game would be one sided with Slovakia's offensive power but I was wrong. The Game was tied 3-3- after the second period. Going into the third we felt Norway had a chance to win the game. Fortunately for the Slovaks the were able to come on top. I don't see them having a chance to win against the next opponent (SWEDEN)..

We'll see..


Quel beau hockey que nous avons l'occasion de voir aux Jeux. Je suis impressionne par la vitesse du jeu et la seconde nature de la mise en echec. Une chose dont je ne suis pas surpris c'est la pietre performance des arbitres. En troisieme periode du match d'hier l'arbitre a omis d'appeler 7 punitions contre le Slovaks. Il a probablement perdu son sifflet durant l'intemission...

J'espere que les match eliminatoire sont mieu arbitre (non pas egalement mais justement!)

A demain